
The Writers Office

Finding work in a scripted television writer’s office will always be difficult. Getting a job on a show for some means you made it. For others, it’s just the next job. Many support staffers have been at it for years, working, writing, and waiting for their big break. Those that find shows with longevity are able to work and learn from experienced writers that genuinely want them to succeed, other writers could care less what you do.

You always here “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. Unfortunately, this is true and I’m sure many of you have seen it first hand.

How do I get in?

Don’t be shy always ask people what they do. You don’t just meet people for shits and giggles. We cross paths with everyone in life for a reason. You just have to know how to nurture and grow the relationships that could be beneficial to you. Hollywood is huge and almost every other person walking around at various events work in either film or TV. If you have one of those moments of being nosey and hear people talking about their terrible jobs in television, it probably would be worth it to interject. Just make sure you have something worthwhile to say.

Work your network

When navigating through the employment arena, make sure your networking chops are up to par. Always carry business cards and always follow up and schedule a meeting. It doesn’t matter if it’s for coffee or drinks just make it happen. You never know when that new friend will hear about an opening. If you’re a good friend, you will always check in and make sure your fresh on each other’s minds periodically. This will prove to be beneficial because you’ll be at the top of their list when they think of someone looking for work when they hear of open positions.

Are you a writer?

If you’re really passionate about writing for television, please have some examples of your passion. There are cases where people claim to be writers and have never written a single script. For these wastes of time… I have no words.