Local Classes

In Person Classes

We are developing a few classes related to Support Staff positions and the first will be our Script Coordinator Training class.

Script Coordinator Part I

This course provides an overview of a Script Coordinator’s responsibilities from preparation for Day One to Wrap, including best practices for all proofing and formatting tasks, administrative responsibilities, the clearance process, and the flow of information. The Beginner Class features detailed instruction taking you step-by-step through the primary tasks of a Script Coordinator, and will dig in with great detail into how to go through a draft, etc., as well as help form the basis of checklists the beginner should always be using.

Prerequisites: None.

Supply List: Your preferred note taking materials, and it is highly recommended that you bring your own laptop with Final Draft installed. (If there is sufficient demand/interest, Movie Magic Screenwriter will also be covered.) There will be handouts and digital files distributed during class as well. (Don’t forget to bring your power cord!)

Script Coordinator Part II

The Script Coordinator Advanced Class will cover the primary topics of being a Script Coordinator in a more general way, assuming base knowledge, so that we can dig into the details of the rest of the topics, in particular the Clearance process and the minutiae of WGA and Business Affairs paperwork. The core of the Advanced Class dives into instruction on the more high-level functions of Final Draft (which students will then practice on their own computers), as well as offering tips & tricks and a section on problem solving strategies for more advanced issues.
Prerequisites: Either the Script Coordinator Beginner Class or some experience working as a Script Coordinator on a TV show.
Supply List: Your preferred note taking materials, and you must bring your own laptop w with Final Draft installed to participate in this Advanced Class. (If there is sufficient demand/interest, Movie Magic Screenwriter will also be covered.). There will be digital files distributed during class as well. (Don’t forget to bring your power cord!)
If you plan on taking both classes, you can save some money by choosing the Combo Option.

Instructor Bio: Debbie has been a Script Coordinator in Television for more than five years, on network and cable dramas as well as single-camera and multi-camera comedies. She also has experience working as a Writers’ Assistant on a number of shows and a Showrunner’s Assistant on several others. She is a recovering attorney (having practiced as a litigator), former SAT math instructor and retired improv comedy performer who promises to present the material in an organized, efficient and hopefully entertaining fashion.

Coming Soon!

Writers Assistants I